Planning for Valentine’s Day sales

blog ideas valentines valentines day valentine’s

As a small business, it is important to take advantages of holidays and special occasions throughout the year. Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter... there is so much potential so it is important to plan ahead so you are ready for your customers and can offer something unique and special. Focusing on Valentine’s Day sales, here are some tips and tricks to remember.
  • How best to advertise your Valentine’s Day products
  • Where you plan to show case these products
  • What items you will sell. For example, mugs, clothing, flowers
  • Timeframes you want to work to
  • Have a peek at what your competitors are selling for Valentine’s Day,
    Then try to be different and unusual.
  • Consider same sex relationships. These relationship are often forgotten and it is a huge gap in the market!
  • Look at his and her, his and his and her a her gifts. You can encourage a customer to buy for themselves and their partner = two sales from one customer!
  • It’s always a good idea to buy a journal for planning special occasions!
    Keep this journal with you at all times even by your bed at night. I cannot count the number of times I have had a fab idea, especially in the middle of the night, only to have forgotten it by the morning. Sudden inspiration requires a pen and paper so you can write it down straight away.
I hope this has been helpful. If it has been and you would like to see more like this, please let me know on our Facebook group.
I look forward to hearing from you. I plan to showcase our new items in the next few days so please join our Facebook group and join the discussion!
Love Suzy xxx

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